Laetitia JEANCOLAS is defending her PhD thesis Publié le novembre 26 2019 Télécom SudParis Doctoral School : Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication and the Research Unit SAMOVAR (UMR 5157) – Services répartis, Architectures, Modélisation, Validation, Administration des Réseaux are presenting the « examination of a thesis » by Mrs Laetitia JEANCOLAS who is expected …
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IMT’s General Management Board and a part of Télécom SudParis relocate to Palaiseau Publié le novembre 20 2019 Télécom SudParis The impressive building measuring 200 meters long by 100 meters wide, designed by Grafton Architects, the Irish firm that won the architecture competition, opened its doors on Monday, 21 October 2019, housing IMT’s general management …
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Mc2i Groupe and Recommerce Group sponsor promotions 2019/2022 Mc2i Groupe and Recommerce Group sponsor promotions 2019/2022 Publié le septembre 3 2019 PRESS RELEASE – 3 September 2019 The two « Grandes Ecoles » Institut Mines Telecom Business School (IMT-BS) and Telecom SudParis sign this Tuesday, September 3, with mc2i Group, independent consulting …
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris officially established Publié le juin 6 2019 PRESS RELEASE – june 3th, 2019 Institut Polytechnique de Paris, encompassing École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis has now been officially established by government decree. Its aim is to become a world-class science and technology institute. An experimental public institution …
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Using personalised services without privacy loss: what solutions does technology have to offer? Publié le mars 15 2019 Télécom SudParis Online services are becoming more and more personalised. This transformation designed to satisfy the end-user might be seen as an economic opportunity, but also as a risk, since personalised services usually require personal data to …
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Professor from Telecom SudParis is named 2019 IEEE Fellow Publié le février 18 2019 Télécom SudParis Daqing Zhang, researcher from Telecom SudParis is honored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a professional non-profit organization of more than 423 000 members around the world, publishes each …
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A name and brand for a world-class institution Download the press pack Institut Polytechnique de Paris Publié le février 8 2019 This Thursday, February 7, 2019, the Minister of the Armed Forces, Flor-ence Parly, and the Secretary of State to the Ministry of Economy and Fi-nance, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, visited École Polytechnique to officially unveil the …
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EIFFEL Excellence Scholarship Program Publié le janvier 22 2019 EIFFEL Excellence Scholarship Program, developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and managed by Campus France. Objective: To allow French higher education institutions to host the best foreign students in master’s and PhD programs. The Eiffel scholarship has 2 components: – …
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NewUni : Signing of the cooperation agreementDownload the press pack click here NewUni As part of the work being conducted under the supervision of Jean-Lou Chameau, a cooperation agreement has been drawn up by École Polytechnique, ENSTA ParisTech, ENSAE ParisTech, a GENES school, and two IMT schools, Télécom ParisTech and Télécom SudParis. Under this agreement, …
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GDPR: Managing consent with the blockchain ? Blockchain and GDPR: two of the most-discussed keywords in the digital sector in recent months and years. At Télécom SudParis, Maryline Laurent has decided to bring the two together. Her research focuses on using the blockchain to manage consent to personal data processing. GDPR: Managing consent with the …
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