E-health research at Telecom SudParis

Telecom SudParis is committed to supporting the digital transformation of society, particularly in the health sector. At the forefront of research related to digital, its researchers are interested in major public health issues through the lens of new technologies.

Connected objects, tele-vigilance or 3D imaging, Telecom SudParis specialists intend to put the digital at the service of medicine and well-being.

Telecom SudParis has been labeled Carnot within "the Carnot Télécom et Société Numérique".

E-health research at Telecom SudParis

Early neurological diagnosis

Associate Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department and member of the SAMOVAR ARMEDIA (Applied Research for Multi Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group.

Research interests: Neuroscience, Biometrics, Tele-vigilance, pattern recognition and especially signatures.

Associate Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department and member of the SAMOVAR ARMEDIA (Applied Research for Multi Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group.

Research interests: Biometrics, Pattern Recognition, Alzheimer Disease Detection.

Robot companion

Research engineer, responsible for the IT Research platform HadapTic, and a member in the EVIDENT living LAB.

Research interests: Human-Machine interactions, Nao Robot Technology.

Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department and member of SAMOVAR ARMEDIA (Applied Research for Multi Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group.

Research interests: Machine Learning, Communication systems, Image and Speech Analysis.

Medical imaging

Professor in the ARTEMIS Department (Advanced Research and Techniques for Multidimensional Imaging System)  and Leader of the ARMEDIA (Applied Research for (multi)Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group in the SAMOVAR Lab.

Research interests: Medical Imaging, Bio-Imaging, IT Clinical Applications.

Connected objects


Associate Professor in the Networks and Services Department (RS2M) and a member of the SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) group.

Research interests: IoT architectures, Smart and Connected Objects related to health and well-being.

Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department, memberof the SAMOVAR ACMES (Algorithms, Components, Models and Services for Distributed Computing) group and responsible for the HadapTIC research platform.

Research interests: IoT, Connected Objects, Communication Technologies.

Speech Recognition

Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department and member of SAMOVAR ARMEDIA (Applied Research for Multi Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) research group.

Research interests: Biometrics, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing, Optimization, Voice Recognition and Parkinson disease Detection.


Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department and expert in the EVIDENT living LAB.

Research interests: Tele-Vigilance, Automatic Detection.

Hervé DebarHervé DEBAR

Directeur de la Recherche et des formations doctorales


  • M4P (PIA project, 2016)
Personalized, preventive, predictive and participatory medicine applied to diabetes.
  • Medolution - Medical Care Evolution (ITEA3 project, 2018)
Intelligent virtual environment for physicians, facilitating remote diagnostic process and connected object relationships.
  • DeepOr (start-up winner of the 2015 Digital Start-Up Trophy)
Optimization of computer systems and computer-assisted vision in operating theaters.
  • EMPATHIC (Horizon 2020 project)
Personalizable, empathic and expressive virtual coach assistance for the elderly.
  • CareWare (SmartBAN-ETSI project)
Monitoring support application for elderly or dependent people, in dedicated structures.
  • SolSens (collaborative project Institut Mines-Télécom)
Serious game for the live evaluation of the elderly approach, on an actimetric mat incorporating connected sensors and ambulatory accelerometer sensors.
  • IMPACTumors (FUI project, 2019)
Image analysis (infrared microscopy and micro-tomography) for detection and monitoring of tumor development.
  • Living Lab EVIDENT
Apartment equipped with a network of sensors and connected objects, for technological co-design and collaborative research with users.
  • BioMICA platform
Biomedical imaging research and assistance with computer-assisted clinical diagnostics.
Opening modules (1st & 2nd year):
  • Neuroscience (1st year)
  • E-Health (2nd year)
Engineer's degree - Thoroughfare (3rd year):
  • DSI - Integration and Development of Information Systems
  • ASR - Distributed IT Services Architect
  • MSA - Statistics and Applications Modeling
  • HTI - High-Tech Imaging
Note: Telecom SudParis is working on the implementation of a "health journey". Organized throughout the entire engineering curriculum and transverse to different Master 2 Majors, it will allow students to become familiar with the health sector, to appropriate its stakes and constraints, while acquiring expertise in digital technologies. Graduates who have followed this program will be able to promote the use of the digital technologies in the health sector.
  • Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris
  • Hospital Center south of Paris
  • ESPCI Paris
  • Genethon
  • Genopole
  • Broca Hospital
  • Foch Hospital
  • Institute of Biology
  • TeraLab
  • University of Evry
  • UTC (Sorbonne Universities)

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